FIFA president Infantino says salary still not confirmed

ZURICH (Reuters) - FIFA president Gianni Infantino's salary has still not been confirmed three months after he took office, the head of soccer's global body said on Thursday. Infantino told reporters last week that they would have to wait until the publication of the next FIFA financial report early next year to find out how much he earned. However, in a column written for Switzerland's Neue Zuercher Zeitung on Thursday, he said he would confirm his salary once he knew what it was. "My salary should not be a central issue in this," said Infantino, elected to February to pull FIFA out of the worst crisis in its history. "From the start, I made clear that my salary will be a matter of public record and that it should be lower than the salaries of the previous FIFA president and secretary general. "I will announce it as soon as it has been confirmed." The earnings of FIFA's top officials are made public under new governance rules designed to make the federation more transparent. Previous FIFA president Sepp Blatter's salary was published for the first time in March when FIFA said it paid him 3.63 million Swiss francs ($3.67 million) last year. ($1 = 0.9901 Swiss francs) (Writing by Brian Homewood, editing by Pritha Sarkar)