All-female Lord of The Flies remake faces backlash as it 'misses the point' and 'women wouldn't act like that'

There is to be a new Lord of The Flies film with a twist - all the people stranded on the island will be female.

The adaptation of William Golding’s 1954 novel has faced backlash on social media as critics have accused it of "missing the point".

Others have slammed the remake for being written about women, but by two men.

 Deadline reports that the male US film-making team of Scott McGehee and Evan Siegel has signed a team with Warner Bros to create the remake.

An all women remake of Lord of the Flies makes no sense because... the plot of that book wouldn't happen with all women.

— roxane gay (@rgay) August 31, 2017

Mr McGehee said they were “taking the opportunity to tell it in a way it hasn’t been told before, with girls rather than boys, [which] shifts things in a way that might help people see the story anew.”

Some have voiced irritation that the remake is being written by two men:

me: we need more female-driven projects, representation matters!

— Raine Beckford (@RaineBeckford) August 31, 2017

An all female Lord of the flies written by two men... They're going to have them fighting about boys aren't they?

— Carlos Adama (@Carlos_Adama) August 31, 2017

Two men are remaking Lord of the Flies with girls. Proving that they didn't understand it when they read it. Which is hilarious.

— Aisling Twomey (@taisling) August 31, 2017

Feminist writer Roxane Gay commented that "the plot of that book wouldn't happen with all women".

In the book, boys stranded on a desert island try to create order and peace while they wait to be rescued, but they eventually turn to violence and murder.

Some have said the book is about "toxic masculinity" and therefore would not make sense with a female cast.

uhm lord of the flies is about the replication of systemic masculine toxicity
every 9th grader knows this
u can read about it on sparknotes

— froy (@froynextdoor) August 31, 2017

The female-led Lord of the Flies wouldn't ever happen because women would just branch off into their own respective groups peacefully

— rachel leishman (@RachelLeishman) August 30, 2017

 One critic wrote: "The female-led Lord of the Flies wouldn't ever happen because women would just branch off into their own respective groups peacefully".

I am all for diversity in Hollywood but.....all female Lord of the Flies is a no from me

— Age N. (@_BetterWithAge) August 31, 2017

The author said he made his book all-male because a group of men can be boiled down to be representative of society in a way that women, in his opinion, cannot. He said: “I think women are foolish to pretend they’re equal to men – they’re far superior, and always have been.

We're literally living an all-male "Lord of the Flies" right now, but sure, let's see two male writers describe how women would be worse.

— Charles Clymer��️‍�� (@cmclymer) August 31, 2017

"But one thing you can not do with them is take a bunch of them and boil them down into a set of little girls who would then become a kind of image of civilisation, or society. That’s another reason why they aren’t little girls.”

However, Mr McGehee told Deadline that the film adaptation hopes to challenge "conventions, the ways we think of boys and aggression."

Mr Siegel said:  “It is a timeless story that is especially relevant today, with the interpersonal conflicts and bullying, and the idea of children forming a society and replicating the behavior they saw in grownups before they were marooned.”