FEMA says rare Rock Hill hail storm wasn’t severe enough to warrant federal help

A severe storm that devastated parts of Rock Hill last month wasn’t severe enough to warrant federal funding.

A letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Gov. Henry McMaster on Wednesday stated his request for federal funding was denied. McMaster had requested a major disaster declaration following the storm. It could have provided individual assistance for people who had damage — but not for government repair costs.

“The damage from this event was not of such severity and magnitude as to be beyond the capabilities of the state, affected local governments, and volunteer agencies,” wrote FEMA administrator Deanne Criswell.

The federal agency will provide information on other federal or volunteer groups that may be able to assist, and will work with the state if there’s additional damage to identify for a possible appeal, Criswell wrote.

The denial has a 30-day appeal process.

The April 20 storm pummeled a small stretch that extended through the south side of Rock Hill. Winds up to 90 mph damaged homes and vehicles. The county received more than 400 surveys of reported damage, The Herald reported. McMaster wrote in his request for federal help that 28 homes were destroyed or had major damage.

The community rallied for cleanup and support. Businesses and volunteer groups, many of them near but outside the storm path, provided food and assistance to impacted property owners.

York County issued a statement expressing disappointment with the decision to deny federal funds. Officials with FEMA toured the area for two days this month.

“Though the damage was severe, and we recognize the losses experienced by our citizens, FEMA determined that the level of damage did not meet the agency’s standard for federal assistance,” the county said in its statement.

The likely next step is a request to begin offering low-interest individual and business loans to impacted property owners, according to the statement.

“York County Government would like to express sincere gratitude to the many volunteers, both local and otherwise, who arrived quickly in affected areas, and stayed here for days and even weeks helping home and business owners recover,” the county said in its statement.