'I felt like I was let out of prison today': New Jersey residents begin returning to parks

TOMS RIVER, N.J. — The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and Lisa Hoffman felt like she was finally free.

After nearly a month, the Eatontown resident was finally able to return to Jakes Branch County Park in Beachwood where she walked her beagle along the paths and trails.

And, for the first time in a while, forgot about COVID-19.

"I felt like I was let out of prison today," Hoffman said. "If they have to do this slowly, I'm okay with that. But we need to move forward."

On Saturday, state and county parks were allowed to reopen, the first modest sign of life getting back to normal as the "curve" of coronavirus cases flattens in New Jersey.

Hoffman arrived at the park at 7 a.m., meeting up with friend and fellow beagle breeder Susan Kustrop. If they arrived any later, the pair thought thought the park would already have reached capacity.

Murphy's order reopening the parks came with caveats, including a 50% capacity limit, a prohibition on picnics or any organized activities and social distancing requirements.

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Hoffman and Kustrop arrived with face masks, disinfectant wipes and — when the hike with the dogs was over — they ate a sandwich and caught up, sitting six feet apart in the parking lot.

"This morning, we did pass a few people and the majority of them were really good about finding an area to move off the trail so that we could pass in a safe a distance," Kustrop said.

Gov. Phil Murphy ordered the parks closed in early April amid concerns that people were using the parks as a loophole around the stay-at-home orders he'd signed in the hopes of stopping the spread of the virus.

Hoffman described a trip to the Manasquan Reservoir a few days before Murphy closed the parks as a "mob city."

"A lot of these people never went there but, because everything else is closed, that's where they went," she said. "I feel like people can't follow the rules, but I pray they do because I don't want them to close (the parks) again."

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The closures were derided by legislators, regular parkgoers and some stir crazy New Jerseyans as a step too far.

"It's perfectly reasonable for people to be outside. It's healthy for people to be outside in the sun, getting exercise," state Sen. Declan O'Scanlon, R-Monmouth, said of the closed parks.

"To close parks, essential for recreation during these difficult times, is extreme and unnecessary," a Spring Lake Heights resident wrote in a letter to the Asbury Park Press. "The governor should not punish the vast majority of responsible New Jerseyans for the knucklehead acts of a few."

Many state and county parks, including Island Beach State Park, were allowed to reopen this morning to the delight of some Jersey residents. Social distancing and other rules will be closely monitored to be sure people adhere to the guidelines and don't jeopardize the fight against coronavirus.  
Berkeley Township, NJ
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Many state and county parks, including Island Beach State Park, were allowed to reopen this morning to the delight of some Jersey residents. Social distancing and other rules will be closely monitored to be sure people adhere to the guidelines and don't jeopardize the fight against coronavirus. Berkeley Township, NJ Saturday, May 2, 2020

Murphy has cautioned that the parks could easily be shuttered again if the number of coronavirus cases reverse course and begin going up, or if residents begin using them as a gathering place, ignoring social distancing requirements.

"This weekend is going to be an important sign for how we move forward and at what pace," Murphy said during a Friday press briefing. "We will be closely monitoring actions across the entire weekend."

While the parks were closed, the dog walks were relocated to neighborhood streets. But it just wasn't the same as a sunny day in the park with her dog, Hoffman said.

"I just go back there and I think about things and hash things out in my mind," she said. "I just get a clear mind after being out in nature."

Mike Davis has spent the last decade covering New Jersey local news, marijuana legalization, transportation and basically whatever else is going on at any given moment. Contact him at mdavis@gannettnj.com or @byMikeDavis on Twitter.

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This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: Coronavirus: New Jersey parks reopen, residents rejoice