'Fear the Walking Dead': Shocking Death Rocks Season 3 Premiere

The Fear the Walking Dead season 3 premiere was a double-feature, with episodes "Eye of the Beholder" and "The New Frontier" airing back to back. While fans were treated to a double dose of zombie fun, they were also forced to swallow the bitter truth that one of the main characters is no more. The season started with the family being taken into a military base being controlled by a militia. The first leader we were introduced to was Troy Otto. He's an odd duck with a passion for the macabre. He was conducting experiments on innocent people and walkers in hopes of decipher some unknown thing. He ended up almost having one of his eyeballs almost ripped out by Madison when she used him as a hostage. Apparently stabbing a spoon in someone's eye is the best way to reunite a family torn apart by a zombie apocalypse. After being reunited, the joy was short lived because they got separated during a zombie attack. Travis, Alicia, and Luciana took an escape helicopter while Nick and Madison rode with Troy in his truck. Unfortunately that was the last time Madison saw Travis because he was shot through the neck by a sniper and then fell to his death from the helicopter. The rest of the family made it to Broke Jaw Ranch, which it the militia's compound run by Jeremiah Otto. On first appearance the inhabitants seem to have good moral compasses. Regardless, Madison has declared the the family is staying there for the foreseeable future.