Fatphobia: 360-pound NYC waiter sues Paramount after being shunned from ‘Mean Girls’ party

Joseph Sacchi, a classically trained tenor who stands 6-foot-2 and weighs 360-pounds, says the Jan. 8 reception would have netted him a $770 tip.
Joseph Sacchi, a classically trained tenor who stands 6-foot-2 and weighs 360-pounds, says the Jan. 8 reception would have netted him a $770 tip.

A larger-than-life waiter claims he was bounced from working a lucrative bash for the “Mean Girls” movie premiere because studio bigwigs decided he was too fat.

Joseph Sacchi, a classically trained tenor who stands 6-foot-2 and weighs 360 pounds and dreams of one day performing at The Met as a full-time professional opera singer, says the Jan. 8 reception was held during his regular shift at The Ribbon restaurant on West 72nd Street, and would have netted him a $770 tip.

But Paramount honchos who did a walk-through at the Upper West Side eatery ahead of the party apparently “pointed to” him and told the manager “that they did not want him working the event,” Sacchi, 32, claims in a Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit — possibly the first filed under the city’s height- and weight-discrimination ban.

Joe Sacchi said he’s “very grateful” for the recent New York City legislation banning discrimination based on height and weight.
Joe Sacchi said he’s “very grateful” for the recent New York City legislation banning discrimination based on height and weight.

“What The Ribbon and Paramount did was wrong. I was hurt financially and emotionally. It was embarrassing and infuriating,” Sacchi told The Post. “I’ve worked at The Ribbon for the past [three] years, but now it has become a very uncomfortable and toxic place to be.”

He added, “I’m hopeful that this litigation will help to set the precedent that fatphobia is unacceptable in New York City and that a person’s size is not a reflection of their ability and value.”

The 2024 musical version of the original 2004 Lindsay Lohan hit “Mean Girls,” features actress and singer Renee Rapp, whose main character Regina George struggles with weight gain.

“The irony is not lost on me that ‘Mean Girls’ is itself a story about bullying. The line, ‘You can’t sit with us!’ comes instantly to mind,” Sacchi noted.

The city passed a weighty anti-discrimination measure in May 2023 that makes it illegal to treat people differently because of their size in employment, public accommodations and housing.

Sacchi, who is seeking unspecified damages from the restaurant and the movie studio, claims he didn’t serve or interact with Paramount reps during their inspection of The Ribbon, so he deduced their only reason to shun him was his appearance.

Sacchi (far right) was “shocked” when he wasn’t scheduled to work the party, “and was even more dumbstruck when I realized that I was the only available server that was not scheduled to work.” Instagram @ vocedimeche
Sacchi (far right) was “shocked” when he wasn’t scheduled to work the party, “and was even more dumbstruck when I realized that I was the only available server that was not scheduled to work.” Instagram @ vocedimeche

He was “shocked” when he wasn’t scheduled to work the party, “and was even more dumbstruck when I realized that I was the only available server that was not scheduled to work.”

The Oregon native has struggled with his weight most of his life.

“The first time that someone commented on my weight was when another kid called me fat all the way back in kindergarten,” he said.

“The irony is not lost on me that ‘Mean Girls’ is itself a story about bullying. The line, ‘You can’t sit with us!’ comes instantly to mind,” Sacchi noted. J.C. Rice
“The irony is not lost on me that ‘Mean Girls’ is itself a story about bullying. The line, ‘You can’t sit with us!’ comes instantly to mind,” Sacchi noted. J.C. Rice

Sacchi loved musical theater but in college was told he could “only be a character actor due to my size. The opera department on the other hand told me that I had a promising future as a leading tenor. This was one of the reasons that led me to study classical voice.”

Towards the end of his undergraduate work, he lost 150 pounds.

“Suddenly, strangers and acquaintances were so much nicer to me,” he recalled. “I was astounded by the wave of attention and change of attitude that came with the weight loss.”

Joe Sacchi singing during the Giulio Gari Foundation Winners Recital. Facebook Giulio Gari Foundation
Joe Sacchi singing during the Giulio Gari Foundation Winners Recital. Facebook Giulio Gari Foundation

He moved to the Big Apple for graduate school.

Stress, inactivity from the pandemic and a family tragedy cause the pounds to return.

Sacchi contends The Ribbon had a moral and legal obligation to stand up to “customer bullying” on his behalf.

It wasn’t just Paramount who allegedly had a problem with Sacchi’s weight.

“If Joe was here, how would he have moved around? It’s a full house,” The Ribbon’s scheduling manager allegedly told one of Sacchi’s coworkers during the reception, he claims in court papers.

When he complained, the restaurant allegedly reduced his shifts.

The city passed a weighty anti-discrimination measure in May 2023 that makes it illegal to treat people differently because of their size in employment, public accommodations and housing. FaceBook heribbonnyc/
The city passed a weighty anti-discrimination measure in May 2023 that makes it illegal to treat people differently because of their size in employment, public accommodations and housing. FaceBook heribbonnyc/

Sacchi’s social media posts mostly include shots of the young singer from the shoulders up, as he belts out tunes such as Rodgers and Harts’ “My Funny Valentine” and “If I Can Dream,” a song made famous by Elvis Presley in 1968.

He won $6,000 as a semi-finalist in the Lotte Lenya Foundation’s annual contest and was a finalist in the Giulio Gari Foundation’s 2023 competition.

The organization supports young opera singers.

“What happened to our client Joe is not just mean, it’s now illegal under New York City law,” Sacchi’s lawyers, Eric Baum and Juyoun Han, said in a statement. “This is an example of hate in the workplace, which is illegal. We will fight to eradicate this practice so that people like Joe can feel safe at work.”

“Any claims against Paramount are baseless, and we will defend ourselves vigorously,” a company spokesperson said.

The Ribbon did not return messages seeking comment.