Fare of the Day: Los Angeles to St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands $157 RT including taxes

Fly from Los Angeles to St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands for just $157 RT including taxes on Spirit Airlines.

Note: Spirit charges for carry-on bags that do not fit under your seat and specific seat selection, so you'll have to pack light and take whatever seat they give you for this exact price, but even if you check a bag, this is a really great deal.

This fare is part of Spirit's current system wide sale for travel through Dec. 17, 2012. Some really good deals can be found for last minute travel. Domestic nonstop flights have dropped to $112 RT and connecting domestic flights are $134 RT on nearly every route...even coast to coast flights! International flights range from high $100's-mid $200's RT. These fares are set to expire at 4:20am ET on Nov. 13, 2012.

For booking info, view our Fare Details page.