Al Pacino reveals the reason he announced Oscars best picture the way he did

Al Pacino reveals the reason he announced Oscars best picture the way he did

Al Pacino took the stage at the 96th Oscars to deliver the award for best picture, which went to "Oppenheimer," but Pacino's delivery of the winner arguably stole the show.

Whereas the acting nominees had long presentations during the March 10 ceremony, Pacino didn't read out the nominees for best picture before revealing who won. Over on social media, some saw the moment as "confusing" while others called it "Oscar-worthy" in its own right, but Pacino is now speaking out about the real reason he skipped over the other contenders for the prestigious award.

“There seems to be some controversy about my not mentioning every film by name last night before announcing the best picture award,” Pacino said in a statement through his reps obtained by Deadline. “I just want to be clear it was not my intention to omit them, rather a choice by the producers not to have them said again since they were highlighted individually throughout the ceremony.

"I was honored to be a part of the evening and chose to follow the way they wished for this award to be presented," he continued.

On the night of the Academy Awards, the best picture presentation from Pacino appeared rushed. Instead of mentioning each movie by name, Pacino only said, "Ten wonderful films were nominated, but only one will take the award for best picture."

Then he gestured to his envelope. "I have to go to the envelope for that. Here it comes," he said, opening it up.

Looking at the paper, he started talking. "And my eyes see 'Oppenheimer,'" he said.

Some clapping emerged, but it seemed like Pacino was still speaking. "Yes. Yes," Pacino continued, reading the names of the produces. More clapping emerged before finally, "Oppenheimer" became, clearly, the winner.

The somewhat anticlimactic moment led to a spirited conversation online.

"Al Pacino announcing Oppenheimer’s best picture win with the casualness of announcing what he wants to eat for dinner at Chili’s is why I watch The Oscars," one X user wrote.

Another compared his tone to a bear stumbling out of a cave.

Viewers noticed how he skipped reading the nominations and cut straight what his "eyes" saw: "Oppenheimer."

"Al Pacino not even presenting the rest of the nominations and going straight to the winner is such a hilarious yet Oscar worthy performance in its own right," someone wrote.

Others weren't as taken with the moment, calling it "all kinds of awkward."

Writer Spencer Althouse concluded it "couldn't have been more chaotic or confusing," but said he was still "obsessed."

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