Family's up-close encounter with a young eagle


“Wow! Not many people get to see one this close!”
That’s the reaction Dominic O’Driscoll had when he spotted a young eagle sitting on a fence post.
O’Driscoll and his family were driving in their car on Sangaree Island on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia when they saw the majestic bird a few feet away.

O'Driscoll slowly drove his car toward the eagle explaining to his family how rare it was to see one so close.

Suddenly, the eagle made his move – onto the roof of the car, leaving some “nice scratches on the paint.”
And cue family adorableness:  “How did he do that?! How did he do that?!” said O’Driscoll’s daughter, with amazement and giggles. “I’ve never seen an eagle on top of a car.”

The eagle then softly flew from atop the vehicle and gently landed in the roadway in front of the car. After a little while, and some more wonderment from the family, the bird flew away.