Family of Laura Plummer visit her in prison amid confusion over reports of possible pardon

 Laura Plummer, 33, from Hull - Wilton
Laura Plummer, 33, from Hull - Wilton

The family of a British woman arrested for drug smuggling in Egypt have visited her in prison amid confusion over her possible early release.

Despite speculation that Laura Plummer, 33, would be pardoned on Saturday evening, on Sunday she was still in Cairo’s Qanatar prison.

Ms Plummer, from Hull, was arrested in August at the Red Sea resort of Hurghada with around 500 Tramadol tablets in her suitcase. She was sentenced to three years in prison on 26 December.

Though available by prescription in the UK, the painkiller Tramadol is illegal in Egypt. Ms Plummer claimed not to have known this and to have brought the pills into the country to treat her Egyptian partner’s back pain.

It is not known how she came to be in possession of such a large quantity of a controlled substance.

Dia al-Bassal, Ms Plummer’s lawyer, told the Telegraph that he hadn’t received any official notification that she was included in the presidential pardons. 

Laura Plummer
Laura Plummer

“We asked yesterday at Qanater prison if she was pardoned and they told us that her name was not included in the list of pardoned prisoners that had been sent to the prison,” said Mr al-Bassal.

The lawyer said there might be a separate pardon list for foreigners, but “The only place that can confirm or deny this news is the Egyptian presidency”.

In recent days, regional and international media seized upon reports that Ms Plummer might be pardoned. Some close to the case blame these reports for politicising the case and suggesting a double standard in the Egyptian justice system.

Ms Plummer’s lawyer said he feared this “could undermine Laura’s position”.

It is traditional in Egypt for the president to issue pardons as the country celebrates public holidays. Sunday was the first working day after 25 January, Revolution Day.