Families gather for 17th anniversary of TWA crash

TWA Flight 800 victims' families mark 17th anniversary since Paris-bound NY jet blew up in sky

SMITHPOINT, N.Y. (AP) -- Families of those killed when TWA Flight 800 exploded in the air off Long Island's east shoreline gathered in Smithpoint, N.Y. Wednesday to mark the crash's 17th anniversary.

All 230 people aboard were killed when the Boeing jet blew up less than a half hour after leaving Kennedy International Airport.

Jim Hurd visited a memorial Wednesday to view the name of the son he lost. Margaret Krick said there's no place she feels closer to the son she lost than at the memorial. John Seaman said the passage of time has helped him cope with the loss of his 19-year-old niece.

The National Transportation Safety Board blamed the catastrophe on vapors exploding in the plane's center fuel tank. Conspiracy theorists say a bomb or missile still can't be ruled out.