Fall-Scented Hair-Care Products Because #PSL Shampoo Isn't Going to Happen

Fall has a strange extraterrestrial force of influence over the world. Before Labor Day even passes, it seems like everyone and their mother is in line at Starbucks for a PSL. And that influence spans over the beauty sphere, too. We've got pumpkin spice highlights, pumpkin spice highlighter, and even pumpkin spice cuticle oil. The latter is actually a thing, and it works, believe it or not.

But while pumpkin clearly dominates, it's not something you'd necessarily want your hair smelling like, though maybe I'm only speaking for myself. And with that being said, there are other fall scents that can play the hair-care game too, probs better than good ole pumpkin. Apple cider, anyone?

Need proof? Keep scrolling to check out a few hair-care products that will turn your shower into an autumn oasis.