The Faithful De-Carted: Blogger Speaks Out Against Kid-Sized Carts at Target

Toddlers in little shopping carts were filmed wreaking havoc in the aisles at Target and the big box store has ended the test. 

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Laura Rinas, a blogger from Minnesota, started the tongue-in-cheek M.A.S.T.C. (Mothers Against Stupid Tiny Carts) after her 3-year-old son ran wild with the kiddie cart during a recent shopping trip.

“Those little carts, man, with those kids behind them. Those can be some dangerous things running around corners,” she told Inside Edition.

She added: “It is like madness. If they could put anti-lock brakes system on those, like give the parent a remote, like screech them to a halt or something, I don't know, give us some lassos? We needed a solution. That was just like, those were too fast.”

Another mom took to Twitter writing, "I join Moms Against Stupid Tiny Carts. My ankles are bruised from this."

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The kiddie cart trial run lasted just a month at the store. Target has now pulled them from stores saying: “After reviewing guest and stores' feedback, we have made the decision to stop the test."

Rinas told Inside Edition: “I'm not gonna say that I’m sad because obviously it wasn't the greatest shopping experience at Target for me, but I do feel bad because I know there are a lot of people who like them.”

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