Factbox: Revised roadmap for decommissioning Fukushima nuclear plant

TOKYO (Reuters) - Following are the main points of the revised roadmap for decommissioning Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima Daiichi station, which was wrecked when an earthquake and tsunami triggered multiple meltdowns in March 2011. This marks the second revision of the roadmap after it was last revised in June 2013. The government did not make changes to the overall goal to complete the decommissioning work in 30 to 40 years. Main points - Completing measures against contaminated water by 2020. This will reduce the presence of contaminated water inside the reactors as well as the increase in contaminated water that is hampering the decommissioning work to almost zero. - Reducing the overflow of water to the reactor buildings from the surrounding to below 100 cubic meters per day by March 2017. (new target) - Halving the volume of radioactive materials in contaminated water inside the reactor buildings by March 2019. (new target) - To decide a policy for removing melted nuclear debris from the three reactors in two years' time. - Setting a method for removing melted debris from the first reactor in April-September 2018. - Starting work to remove nuclear debris from the first reactor in 2021, delayed from its previous goal of 2020. (Reporting by Kentaro Hamada and Osamu Tsukimori; Editing by Biju Dwarakanath)