Fact check: Breaking down what J.D Vance, Tim Ryan said during Ohio Senate debate

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Ohio's U.S. Senate candidates traded barbs on stage Monday in their first debate of the general election, underscoring major differences between the candidates who want to replace GOP Sen. Rob Portman.

In the first of two debates, Democratic U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan and author and venture capitalist J.D. Vance went after each other's views on abortion, inflation and trade during the fiery hourlong event. The debate gave voters an opportunity to hear from the candidates directly, but it also gave the candidates air time to spew talking points that weren't always accurate.

Here's context for some of the claims that Vance and Ryan made throughout the night.

Ryan: "J.D. Vance invested in China and companies that shipped products back."

Vance has invested between $1,000 and $15,000 in Global Uprising, PBC, which does business as a Utah-based outdoor gear retailer called Cotopaxi, according to his latest financial disclosure. The company, which makes clothing, hats and bags, says it gives 1% of its profits to a foundation that distributes grants to humanitarian organizations.

Cotopaxi gets its headwear products from a Chinese manufacturer in Shanghai. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, the company was importing about 22% of its products from China in 2019.

J.D. Vance and U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan met for their first debate in the U.S. Senate race Monday night.
J.D. Vance and U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan met for their first debate in the U.S. Senate race Monday night.

Vance: "In 2018, 2019 and 2020, you opposed the tariffs that started to bring some of that manufacturing and industrial base back to Ohio."

On the campaign trail and during Monday's debate, Ryan said he supported former President Donald Trump's trade policy and strategy on China.

The congressman was among nearly 200 Democrats to back the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement negotiated during Trump's presidency to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. In 2018, he called Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum a "long overdue" move that would protect Ohio jobs, although he questioned why European countries weren't excluded.

He repeated those concerns during his 2020 presidential campaign, saying tariffs on China are an "absolute necessity" but need to be implemented in a more targeted way than Trump's plan.

Ryan: "J.D., you called rape inconvenient."

While Vance supports "life of the mother" exceptions, he has said he doesn't believe abortions should be allowed in cases of rape or incest. When asked about this in a Spectrum News 1 interview last year, Vance said "two wrongs don't make a right."

"It's not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term," Vance told Spectrum News 1. "It's whether a child should be allowed to live even though the circumstances of that child's birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society. The question really to me is about the baby. We want women to have opportunities. We want women to have choices. But above all, we want women and young boys in the womb to have the right to life."

Vance: "He said he supported Ohio’s natural gas industry and he’s always done so, and yet Tim Ryan, when he ran for president, was it two years ago, you supported banning fracking, both on public lands and generally speaking.”

In a climate forum during his 2020 presidential campaign, Ryan said he would "absolutely" support a fracking ban on federal lands.

"The natural gas piece is a transition for us ... there are a lot of people where I come from that are making pretty good money working there," he continued. "It's some of the best paying jobs left in the country, frankly. But we have got to move so much faster. We've got to move on this stuff."

A Washington Post analysis of the presidential candidates' views on fracking labeled Ryan as someone who supports more regulations as opposed to an all-out ban. Ryan acknowledged the economic benefits of fracking in the newspaper's questionnaire but said the government needs to "ramp up our oversight" to prevent leaks and other problems.

"If the industry cannot rapidly innovate on these issues, I believe the federal government would need to step in and halt fracking operations," Ryan told the Post.

Ryan also supported Biden's decision in 2021 to suspend drilling on federal land and waterways, telling The Vindicator that fracking could still continue and create jobs elsewhere.

Ryan: "J.D. Vance raised money for the legal defense fund of the insurrectionists."

In a January tweet, Vance shared a link to an organization that raised money for people who were charged with crimes in connection to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The tweet doesn't indicate if Vance donated to the organization personally.

Vance also encouraged those who couldn't donate to consider "writing a letter or offering words of encouragement."

"*Even if* the very worst of the Democrats’ claims about J6 are true (they’re not), it is an insult to all of us that so many people are rotting in prison without being offered a speedy trial," Vance tweeted. "These people are political prisoners, and their captivity is an assault on democracy."

According to CNN, most of the people facing charges were released shortly after their arrests, and 40 defendants were being held in a Washington, D.C., jail as of late 2021.

Vance: "The leadership of the FBI approached Facebook and told them to censor information that was negative about Joe Biden, about Hunter Biden's corrupt business dealings."

In a lengthy interview with podcaster Joe Rogan in August, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg fielded questions about Facebook's decision to limit the circulation of a New York Post article about Hunter Biden's business dealings during the 2020 election cycle.

Zuckerberg said the FBI came to Meta and asked company officials to be on high alert for potential Russia propaganda circulating online. Zuckerberg said Facebook decreased the distribution of the New York post article on its platform, meaning it could still be shared, but fewer people ultimately saw it.

When asked if the FBI warned Meta about that story specifically, Zuckerberg said, "No. I don't remember if it was that specifically, but it basically fit the pattern."

After the Rogan interview, a Meta spokesperson reiterated that the FBI shared general warnings about foreign interference in the election − not anything specific about Hunter Biden.

Haley BeMiller is a reporter for the USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau, which serves the Columbus Dispatch, Cincinnati Enquirer, Akron Beacon Journal and 18 other affiliated news organizations across Ohio.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Ohio Senate debate: Fact checking claims from Tim Ryan, J.D. Vance