What explains Putin's long-standing popularity

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Putin's regime in Russia now seeks to establish its legitimacy by appealing to "past glory."

Regarding the so-called economic forum in St. Petersburg, it is striking that there was everything except economics. There were "Jewish studies" from a bunker grandpa, there were many discussions about war and "gender threats," there were ruptures of heating pipes, but there was no economy. Because…what economy? It is not relevant now. Now the "great and beautiful Russia" must defeat the West, and gender, establishing itself in its glory. Everything that happened there was a statement of the civilizational stagnation in which modern Russia found itself. There is a way of development and a path of stagnation. Development is science, thinking, and technological progress. Currently, Putin's regime in Russia seeks to establish its legitimacy by appealing to "past glory." A glory that, of course, never existed. There was only creeping expansion for the purpose of exploitation. It was very primitive, ineffective, and wasteful.

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The empire was an embodiment of how to destroy potential: people, nations, and epochs. The empire built in this way was a culmination of it all. "Parallel import" is left as the only way to satisfy the needs of the economy of a "great power." Parallel import for the political elite from a parallel reality, which the elite proves with their own "economic forums," which resemble the benefits of old and unfunny comedians who learned only one joke, repeating it constantly.

Did the bunker grandfather say something about the "shame of the Jewish people?"

Well, he is obviously proud of being Russian. It embodies all the appropriate virtues: limited thinking and unwillingness to overcome this limitation, pride in non-existent victories, envy and hatred of everyone. This explains Putin's popularity over the years, which even the crisis he created in his own state cannot overcome. Rulers before him often tried to at least "raise" their subjects above themselves. Putin allowed them to be themselves and be proud of it. He allowed them not to learn, think, or strive for better. He is one of them.

He believes in conspiracy theories, lives with xenophobia, and dreams of his greatness. What a perfect leader, isn't he?

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