Exclusive: Tara Wallace Talks New Culinary Show, Transitioning From Reality TV And More!

Tara Wallace is stepping out of her “Love and Hip Hop” chapter and entering the world of talk. The 45-year-old, mother of three, can now be seen on the Impact Network with her new show, ‘SOUL FOOD with Tara Wallace.’ A series that is a “part-talk” and “part-culinary treat.”

Each week, Wallace will bring on a new guest to have “heart-to-heart” conversations. And touch on everything from life’s deepest setbacks and challenges to the peaks of fulfillment and success. As Wallace embarks on these conversations, Chef Nancie, a culinary expert and celebrity chef, will serve up delicious plates of soul food with a side of “real-life introspective commentary.” Special Guests will include hip hop legend Yo-Yo, community activist Jamila T. Davis, and ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star Marcus Black.

21Ninety sat down for an exclusive interview with Tara Wallace who shared what inspired her to launch this show. As well as how the transition has been from reality television to talk. Wallace also shares the biggest lesson she’s learned since embarking on this new journey.

Jadriena Solomon: ‘Soul Food with Tara Wallace’ premiered on the Impact Network this past Saturday – congratulations! Has food and cooking always been a passion of yours? Especially soul food in particular?

Tara Wallace: Well, I grew up eating soul food so it’s definitely in my blood. And because I grew up eating that, it’s part of how I cook. So on my show, ‘Soul Food with Tara Wallace,’ I’m not cooking but I am interviewing. And it’s even better because I get to sit there, smell all the amazing food and still have a restaurant experience. Chef Nancie presents the food so beautifully and you know – it’s just in my blood. So I don’t know if it’s a passion, but it’s who I am. It’s how I’ve always eaten. 

JS: Fans know you from reality television, of course, as a cast member on ‘Love and Hip Hop New York.’ Was transitioning over to an informative talk show like this always a goal of yours? And what really pushed you to take that chance and make that transition a reality?

TW: I’ve always had meaningful friends, a lot of love in my life, and a lot of people who truly care about me. So this is just an extension of that. It wasn’t anything that was hard to do. But of course, I had to go and do my homework and really present myself in this new space, in a very meaningful way. And in a way that’s going to resonate with an audience. So that was extremely important to me but it’s always been a part of who I am. It’s just now people are getting to see a different side of me, not essentially a new side. 

JS: Right. So as you said, we are seeing a different side, not a new side of you. You are someone who has always stood firm in your truth and you vocalize your truth. And I think this show is definitely an extension of allowing your guests to do the same. What made you want to bring these types of conversations to the forefront with this show? 

TW: Number one, I think they’re conversations that need to be had. Sometimes when we’re sitting down and we’re having conversations, we kind of get people’s representation. And they’re not essentially in the most comfortable space to share their truth. I’ve been in that position before, where I just don’t know how I want to share certain things with someone or how much I want to give of myself. Out of fear of being misinterpreted. And I think because I knew some of the guests on this show prior, it made the experience different. We’ve had these conversations before, on a personal level. And now we’re just here continuing a conversation that we’ve already had. 

Secondly, we live in a time where people are just kind of living on Instagram and there’s this perception that everyone’s life is perfect. And when someone hits a bump in the road, they think all is lost. And it’s really important for people to know that they are going to get past their challenges and those things are not going to define them. It’s important to not only speak that but to also be and show examples of that.

JS: As much as viewers are going to learn, I’m sure this has also been an extremely informative experience for you. What would you say has been the biggest lesson that you’ve learned in the process of gearing up for the show and/or speaking with your guests?

TW: The biggest lesson that I take away is to, number one – always be open. You never know what’s around the corner. And again, all is never lost. When there’s a bump in the road, that’s extremely important. And you have to learn to love every single thing that you’re doing or else your days are wasted. And you won’t get them back.

Sometimes you can get so far away from yourself, feeling down or feeling depressed. But no matter how much time has passed, always remember that tomorrow’s a new day. And you can get up, find the things that you love, and go out and do them. And I think that is important and that’s what I take away from this journey most –  that’s what the people on the show gave and what they showed.

JS: As we’ve said before, you’re venturing out of the reality television world and into the talk show world. What goals are you striving to accomplish with this show? And of course, what goals are you striving for personally? What areas do you want to venture into next?

TW: There are a lot of things. And like I said, I try to remain open. Everyone knows that I’m an actor so I still chip away at that. But most importantly, I’m just living in this moment. I’m so blessed to be on the Impact Network. And the network is just so intentional about the shows that they’re creating and putting out. I’m extremely excited and I’m really just overjoyed to be in this position and to get to show a different side of myself. It didn’t happen overnight. It’s been a long journey and I just don’t take it for granted.

To learn more about  ‘SOUL FOOD with Tara Wallace,’ as well as where you can tune in, head over to the Impact Network!