Evo Morales leaves Mexico on 'temporary' trip to Cuba

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Evo Morales, the self-exiled former president of Bolivia, is in Cuba for a medical appointment, an aide to the former leader said Friday night.

Gabriela Montaño, a former Bolivian health minister who has been with Morales in Mexico, did not specify whether he made the trip for a routine medical checkup or an appointment to treat a specific ailment.

Morales underwent treatment in Cuba in 2017 for nose, ear and throat complaints.

Mexico's foreign relations ministry confirmed that Morales had left Friday on a “temporary”visit to Cuba.

Morales was granted political asylum in Mexico after he resigned Bolivia's presidency following widespread protests over a disputed presidential election that he claimed to have won. He arrived in Mexico on Nov. 11 and had not left Mexico since.