Everyone who died in Game Of Thrones season 7

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

From Digital Spy

It might have been the shortest season of Game Of Thrones yet, but season 7 certainly didn't skimp on the major deaths, with several of the show's biggest characters making their way straight to the Seven Hells.

We've recounted the bloody mayhem below - and given each character's demise a score for fan service. Did we mourn their departure, or cheer their exit?

So, don your darkest garb and get ready to pay tribute, because the watch is definitely over for this lot.

1. The Freys

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

Cause of death: Arya and plenty of poison.

Fan service score: 10/10. Red Wedding revenge! Season 7's opening sequence delivered supreme fan service, setting the tone for a season full of popular pay-offs for long-time viewers.

2. The Sand Snakes

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

Cause of death: Slaughtered by Euron / poisoned by Cersei.

Fan service score: 10/10. Sand Snake fandom is... well, pretty much non-existent. (Note: Obara and Nymeria Sand both met their end at Euron's hand. The third sister, Tyene, was poisoned by Cersei, but we never saw her die - likewise, her mother Ellaria Sand.)

3. Lady Olenna Tyrell

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

Cause of death: Poisoned by Jaime.

Fan service score: 8/10. Fans were unhappy to see one of their favourites die, but the fact that she went out dropping the bombshell that she'd killed Joffrey, letting Tyrion off the hook for the crime, was cause for celebration.

4. Dickon Tarly / Lord Randyll Tarly

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

Cause of death: Death by Drogon.

Fan service score: 2/10. Dickon was growing into a potential fan favourite before he was fried alive, while no-one was particularly attached to Randyll Tarly, meaning his death didn't have much impact, outside of, 'Oooh, Dany's gone mean.'

5. Thoros of Myr

Cause of death: Mauled by zombie bear / frozen to death.

Fan service score: 7/10. We can't help but feel that Thoros died not from his wounds, but as a result of being the character people cared about least in 'Beyond The Wall' - with all of the fan favourites making it home on the back of Drogon. Still, we'll miss the drunk wizard.

6. Viserion

Cause of death: Brought down by the Night King's spear.

Fan service score: 1/10 / 10/10. This one initially scored low because literally no-one was happy to see one of Dany's dragon die, then scored highly as soon as we realised he was going to be resurrected as a zombie dragon, which is the coolest thing ever.

7. Benjen Stark

Cause of death: Right place, wrong time / mauled by wights.

Fan service score: 7/10. Let's be honest, it was a tiny bit deus ex white walker, and it's never good when a fan favourite dies off-screen. But it was good to see Benjen again, and at least he went out a hero, saving Jon!

8. Littlefinger

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

Cause of death: Death by Arya, wielding Littlefinger's own Valyrian steel dagger that he gave to Bran (for some reason).

Fan service score: 10/10. This was one we predicted, and the pay-off was even more satisfying than we imagined. The creepiest dude in Westeros, getting his comeuppance at the hands of the woman he'd manipulated the most - via a bit of mummer's showmanship. We loved it.

9. The Wall

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

Cause of death: Melted by the blue fire of a zombie dragon, being ridden by the Night King. It was awesome.

Fan service score: 10/10. Despite the fact we were sad to lose the wall, there's no denying this was one of the most spectacular moments in Game Of Thrones history.

And yes, we know The Wall isn't technically a sentient being, but it's full of magic, so who knows how it was feeling when it got melted to death?

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