EU plans Ukraine summit with Russia in Saudi Arabia this fall


EU foreign ministers are set to discuss the feasibility of a summit on Ukraine, potentially including Russian representatives, to be held in Saudi Arabia this fall, Bloomberg reported on May 27.

The discussion will also cover steps following the recent Global Peace Summit in Switzerland.

According to EU officials, while U.S. President Joe Biden has opted out of attending, China is reportedly preparing a competing peace initiative. Meanwhile, Moscow's efforts to deter global leaders from participating have impacted Kyiv's campaign to broaden international involvement. Brazil and India are contemplating the level of their representation, possibly only sending junior officials, with Beijing expected to delegate only a senior civil servant.

Read also: No announcement yet on Biden’s attendance at Ukraine’s Peace Summit in Switzerland — Sullivan

Ukrainian Peace Summit in Switzerland

Ukraine is organizing the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16.

Ukraine has held four meetings regarding President Zelenskyy's Peace Formula at the level of national security and political advisors.

Representatives from 81 countries and international organizations participated in the last meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Jan. 14. Previous meetings in 2023 were held in Malta, Copenhagen, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Zelenskyy presented a 10-point Peace Formula in November 2022 at the G20 summit. It includes restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity, withdrawing Russian troops, releasing all POWs, establishing a tribunal for those guilty of aggression, and providing security guarantees for Ukraine.

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