Escaped horse dies after running into morning traffic near Hilton Head

A horse was hit by a pickup truck on Highway 278 after jumping a fence and running into traffic Wednesday morning just west of the bridge to Hilton Head Island, near the intersection of 278 and Buckingham Plantation Dr, in Bluffton. The horse was then euthanized at the scene.

The horse ran onto the busy highway from the Moss Creek Stables around 8:55 a.m., according to Stephen Combs, spokesperson for the Bluffton Township Fire District. Traffic was blocked for about an hour.

Upon impact and the horse’s front legs were broken. A local veterinarian was on the scene to assist, as well as other people on the scene. The driver of the pickup truck was not injured.

A call to the equestrian center seeking more information ended once the reporter identified himself and an in-person visit to the community was rebuffed by security saying they had “no comment” on the incident.

The story will be updated as more information becomes available.