Escambia County loses another lawsuit over new jail

Chief of Corrections William "Rich" Powell speaks during the ribbon cutting ceremony at the new Escambia County Correctional Facility in Pensacola on Monday, March 29, 2021.

Escambia County has lost its lawsuit against DLR Group, the architectural firm it hired to consult on building the new Escambia County Jail and later blamed over legal troubles the county had with the builder.

The county alleged DLR Group did not hold up its end of the contract in managing the construction of the jail.

In January, Okaloosa Circuit Court Judge John T. Brown issued a final judgement in the case finding in favor of DLR Group.

Escambia County has filed a motion for a rehearing of the final judgment. There's a hearing set for April 19th on that motion. DLR Group has also filed a motion for attorney’s fees and other costs. A hearing on that motion is set for February 21st.

“DLR requests the court determine DLR’s entitlement to attorneys’ fees and costs,” the motion reads. “As of the filing of this motion, DLR estimates its attorneys’ fees to be approximately $254,350.99. Upon a finding of entitlement to attorneys’ fees and costs, DLR will submit its invoices, along with affidavit testimony regarding the reasonableness of its attorneys’ fees.”

The case stems from a lawsuit Whitesell-Green/Caddell, the joint company of Whitesell-Green and Caddell Construction (WGI-C) that the county hired to build the $142 million jail, filed against Escambia County in 2022 for withholding a $3.4 million payment from the company.

The county alleged it was owed that money because the construction company was 224 days late in completing the new Escambia County Jail.

Previously: Construction complete on new $142 million Escambia County jail

Whitesell-Green/Caddell disputed the county's 224-day tally, saying it was late by 189 days and that 156 of those days were due to the COVID-19 pandemic and that Hurricane Sally brought additional delays.

The contract between the county and Whitesell-Green/Caddell allowed for excusable delays if the circumstances were out of the company’s control.

During that time, Escambia County consulted with DLR Group to review WGI-C’s explanation of delays and the firm concluded that the construction company was entitled to 118 excused days and possibly more if it had more information about the delays.

Despite the analysis from DLR Group, which WGI-C said the county never told it about, the county only granted 33 days for COVID-19 related reasons and said 191 days were still unexcused.

After WGI-C filed suit for payment against Escambia County, commissioners claimed DLR Group was also to blame for not providing an adequate review of the construction company’s claims.

The litigation between Escambia County, DLR Group, and WGI-C, has cost Escambia County more than $2.3 million, so far, plus the money it originally withheld from WGI-C.

In September, the Escambia Board of County Commissioners agreed to a mediated settlement with WGI-C and agreed to pay the $3.4 million it withheld. Included in the $2.3 million they spent in legal costs, the county has spent $474,000 on litigation since the settlement.

The latest decision, if it stands, could also cost the county at least another $250,000.

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Escambia County loses DLR lawsuit in Whitesell-Green and Caddell jail