The Erie Triangle: The final building block for Erie County

It all began in the 1670s with three years of war between the English and Dutch. King Charles was forced to borrow cash to purchase war materials. It was Admiral William Penn who stepped forward and helped the king. When Charles died, he owed Penn 16,000 British pounds. To settle this debt, he gave Penn's son a grant of land in North America.

The king had no idea exactly what he had done. However, shortly after, a legal charter in writing officially confirmed the gift. This charter specifies that this new colony should be named Pennsylvania after the William Penn family. This charter defined a vast area, yet it left out an area just south of Lake Erie and from the Ohio to New York borders.

Erie-area history: The American Revolutionary War and northwestern Pennsylvania

A 15-year fight over the Erie Triangle borders

At the time, states were confused about where the various state borders were. Arguments about the actual borders went on for more than 15 years. Finally, after 10 years, all but two differences had been confirmed. It was in 1786 that Andrew Ellicott surveyed the boundaries of much of Pennsylvania. One final result was that the New York and Pennsylvania border was a line 20 miles east of the town of Presque Isle (Erie).

When done, the work left a sizable triangle of land unclaimed along Lake Erie. The question was, who owned it? Several states stepped forward to claim it: Virginia, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. This was when the federal administration, via Congress, sold the Triangle to Pennsylvania. Of course, the various states involved took the sale to the Supreme Court, which decided the sale was valid.

More: Here's where you can find Pennsylvania historical markers throughout Erie County

Once the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania held complete ownership of the Erie Triangle, it began developing reasons for settlers to have an interest in the area. They first passed legislation that reserved, after surveying, 3,000 acres at Presque Isle, Le Boeuf and two other places in the west for use by the commonwealth. On April 3, 1792, they passed a settlement law that provided for surveys of all the lands west of the Allegheny River, Ohio River and Conewango Creek.

This same law provided for a road to be built from Reading to Presque Isle. Gen. William Irvine and Andrew Ellicott were appointed commissioners to conduct the road building and surveying of the land. Shortly after that, on April 8, 1792, another bill was passed approving the laying out of a town at Presque Isle. The act also contained parts that reserved land for public use, located streets and provided incentives and regulations for early settlers.

That is when the State Land Office began to sell what were known as land warrants. They did this without knowing how much land was there or where it was. This was because no surveying of the Triangle had yet begun. Yet, a group of wealthy investors from Philadelphia formed the Pennsylvania Population Co. With the legislature's approval, they purchased a large tract of land in the city and county of Erie.

Soon after the surveying was complete, they hired Judah Colt as a land agent and another agent named Augustus Porter. Each of them was assigned slightly more than 400 acres to sell. They and the Population Co. later sold these properties to settlers at huge profits. Colt is a story all by himself, and I will write about him in a future column.

Gene Ware is the author of 10 books. He serves on the board of the Presque Isle Light Station and is past chairman of the boards of the Tom Ridge Center Foundation and the Presque Isle Partnership. Email him at

Correction: The date in the first paragraph was incorrect in a previous version of this article.

Gene Ware
Gene Ware

This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: The Erie Triangle: The final building block for Erie County