Eric Trump learns what the electoral map would look life if the internet turned it into a meme

When election soothsayer Nate Silver tweeted out a couple of maps Tuesday, he probably didn't know he was giving birth to a meme. 

The FiveThirtyEight founder illustrated how the 2016 election would turn out if only men or women voted, based on a "polls-only forecast."

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A blue map showed women overwhelmingly handing the election to Hillary Clinton. A red map showed men giving Trump an easy victory. 

Soon after, according to BuzzFeed, Donald Trump's son, Eric, sent out a fundraising email with a GIF of the U.S. electoral map turning red.

The problem? It turns out Eric just took the FiveThirtyEight map of a men-only election and used it as a vague indicator that "momentum is on our side." (Which, according to the latest polls, isn't the case.)

He was, of course, promptly mocked.

Oh, but the fun didn't stop there. Brave citizens of the internet decided to examine other possible demographic scenarios. 

And, of course, someone made the inevitable Kenneth Bone joke

Sadly, the bottom-dwellers of the internet decided to use FiveThirtyEight's maps to make a lame joke about repealing the 19th Amendment, passed in 1920 to guarantee women's right to vote. 

Luckily for the rest of us, who live in the 21st century, a majority of voters in the last presidential election (53 percent) were women, so trolls like this don't have a chance in hell of getting what they want.