To encourage people to get COVID-19 shots, Biden announces extended hours at vaccination locations and free child care

President Biden said Wednesday that some COVID-19 vaccination locations will be open overnight on Fridays for the month of June. Biden also announced that several child care providers will allow parents to drop off their children for free while they get vaccinated.

Video Transcript

JOE BIDEN: In response to our call to action, businesses and organizations across the country have stepped up to help everyone get vaccinated. Starting next week, many vaccination sites will be offering extended hours during the month of June, including pharmacies that will be open 24 hours every Friday night. For 24 hours, they'll be open this month. And if you're too busy at work or school, you can get vaccinated around the clock on any Friday. Any Friday.

For parents who haven't been able to get the shot because they didn't have the child care, starting today, KinderCare, Learning Care Group, the Bright Horizons, alongside with hundreds of YMCA locations, are going to offer free drop-in child care while the parents are getting vaccinated. In addition, Uber and Lyft are both offering free rides to and from vaccination sites, vaccination centers. It's easier than ever to get vaccinated.

So again, text 438829 to find out what the nearest places you can get vaccinated are from your zip code. And visit pharmacies within extended hour and walk up shots that are available. Free childcare, free rides, free shots.