Empty beds at Wuhan hospitals amid signs of hope in fight against Covid-19

A Beijing-based intensive care doctor now working in Wuhan, the city at the epicentre of China’s Covid-19 outbreak, says designated hospitals in the city are seeing an increasing number of empty beds after a large number of virus patients were discharged.

Du Bin added, however, that there is always the possibility of another spike in new cases.

Nurses assemble plastic face shields at a hospital in Wuhan (AP)

Dr Du said on Wednesday that a major cause of deaths in younger patients may have been the prolonged application of certain high-dosage treatments that ended up causing more harm than good.

Cao Bin, a doctor specialising in respiratory research who is also currently in Wuhan, told reporters: “The war is not over.”

Dr Cao said Chinese researchers have led initial clinical trials of two anti-viral drugs and will soon share the results of the trials with the World Health Organisation.