Emily Blunt Unleashes Her Cookie Monster; Ron Paul Finally Bigger Than Tetris

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: Emily Blunt did an uncanny imitation of a cookie-loving felt entertainer on the red carpet, Ron Paul is the star of 1991's most anticipated video game, and Honda pats itself on the back.

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Red carpet stop-and-chats can be tedious and mundane, unless you want to know exactly how many weeks Robert Downey, Jr. spent with a violin coach to prepare for Sherlock Holmes. It can also be fun when Emily Blunt is there and begins talking like the Cookie Monster with minimal prompting, like she did last night at the Tribeca Film Festival. She's game for anything, that Emily Blunt  [The Hollywood Reporter]

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Whenever we watch stop-motion animation -- even good stop-motion animation, like the kind deployed in the music video for the new Shins song "The Rifle's Spiral" -- we always feel happy when it's over. Is this the point? It's not exactly a soothing form, after all. Maybe even though we think we've seen good stop-motion animation, we haven't. Maybe we wouldn't know it even if we saw it. We have the same problem with nice tequila and chocolate you don't get at the front of the pharmacy. There's something not quite right about it. Great song, though. [via Nowness]

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An intrepid Ron Paul supporter has plans -- big plans -- to launch Web-based video game called Ron Paul: The Road to REVOlution later this summer. Of course he does! The one problem we can see is with the side-scrolling game design, which makes it seem as if you're playing the original Donkey Kong, but with no barrels to throw. That could be frustrating unless the designers add in bushels of now worthless (in the game, if you beat the big boss, Alan Greenspan) American paper money. [via dorkass]

Honda, perhaps because it is turning 30 this year, is getting back to its roots. We never enjoy it when large corporations go back to their roots -- it usually just means disconcerting limited-run cups adorned with logos we don't understand. But Honda has done something interesting and put together a three minute history of the company that functions as a kind of time-lapse account of their progress. It's neat, and also makes us glad we never had to make any long highway trips in a 1982 Civic. Looks a little fragile. [Automobile via HondaJPJR]

This is something you don't see every day: a performance of Jay-Z and Kanye West's very underrated "No Church In the Wild" in American Sign Language. Performers Mark Nakhla, Greg Faxon and Sam Choi did something similar with Drake's "Headlines," but this is better. [Via pacersfan191]