Embarrassing video of 13-year-old Lin-Manuel Miranda singing helps raise $1 million for Puerto Rico

Stephen Colbert and actor Nick Kroll created the charitable hashtag "PuberMe" in order to raise money for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. For every celebrity who shared an embarrassing photo of themselves as teens on social media, the two donated $1,000. CBS and Kroll's new show Big Mouth also got involved and soon the grand total was all the way up to $999,000. And just as Colbert was announcing the total on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Lin-Manuel Miranda interrupted the show. When Colbert asked Miranda "We're just $1,000 shy of a million dollars, you don't happen to have an awkward puberty photo, do you?" The Hamilton creator replied, "I'm afraid not, I'm afraid I looked really good. But I do have an awkward puberty video." The video is of a 13-year-old Miranda singing a song about a trip to Puerto Rico. Colbert liked the video so much that he donated an additional $1,000 for Miranda. This brought the grand total to $1,000,000.