Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar both want universal child care. Here's how it works in countries like Sweden.

elizabeth warren amy klobuchar
During the Democratic presidential debate on Wednesday, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar discussed universal child care.


Child care costs in the US have skyrocketed in recent years. In 23 states, preschool is even more expensive than college tuition. That leaves parents, particularly low-income ones, with an impossible choice: Quit working or send a child to an affordable, but substandard — and possibly unlicensed — daycare center.

During the Democratic presidential debate in Nevada on Wednesday night, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar confirmed that universal child care will remain a central part of their campaigns.

In Sweden, France, and Quebec, Canada, these kinds of government-subsidized programs already exist, enabling more mothers to work and improving wages for childcare workers .

Scaling high-quality child care across the board is a major challenge

While subsidized child care programs in Sweden and France are often praised for offering stellar educations, the province of Quebec has struggled to develop high-quality centers across the board. One study found that behavior in some children actually worsened after attending these centers.

This could be just as much of an issue in the US where universal child care would serve 8 million children.

Creating high-quality child care for 8 million children could pose a major challenge.

Gerald Herbert/ AP

"The biggest and most direct lesson of the Quebec initiative is that creating high-quality education programs at a large scale is difficult," Vox wrote in 2015. "It turns out that low-quality child care isn't just worse than high-quality child care. It's worse than no child care."

The percentage of US mothers who work has increased dramatically

There's an undeniable need for well-run and cost-effective child care programs in the US, which Warren and Klobuchar acknowledged, considering that the share of mothers who work continues to increase.

Even still, mothers with young children are less likely to have jobs outside of the home than those with older children, often due to the crushing costs of child care, an issue Klobuchar addressed on Wednesday night.

mom and daughter
mom and daughter


"The small businesses I talked to, they have trouble getting employees because their employees don't have childcare," Klobuchar said during the debate on Wednesday. "We should have universal child care."

Amy Klobuchar's child care plan would allow the poorest children to attend for free

Last year, the Minnesota senator co-sponsored the Child Care for Working Families Act, which would involve a cost-sharing agreement between federal and state governments to fund high-quality child care centers for all families. Families would be charged on a sliding scale, no matter how many children they have.

Employees at the centers would at least earn a living wage, and would make as much money as elementary school teachers, if they have the same credentials.

Ensuring that every family has access to child care, and that people running the programs are paid a fair and living wage, are also the key elements of Warren's universal child care plan.

"We can raise the wages of every childcare worker and preschool teacher and stop exploiting the black and brown women who do this work," Warren said during the debate on Wednesday.

day care
The average child care worker in the US earns about $11 an hour.

Matt Rourke/ AP

In 2018, the average wage for childcare workers was about $11 an hour. Child care workers are at an increased risk of developing depression, compared with other professions.

To fund her plan, Warren would implement a new tax on multimillionaires.

If Klobuchar and Warren follow the Swedish child care model, it would mean that child care would be affordable,  and safe, which is a pressing concern in the US.

Many low-income parents now often have no choice but to send their children to substandard child care centers

There's no shortage of stories of children who have been abused or died while in the care of a center that was less expensive than other options, and may have even technically met state standards.

In 2012, for example, Jessica Tata was sentenced to 80 years in prison after four of the seven children she was caring for at her in-home daycare died as a result of a fire, which occurred when she left a pan of oil burning on a stove. Tata had had a juvenile record, but didn't disclose that information when she applied for a state license.

In Texas, where Tata ran her program, directors of child care centers only need a high school diploma, or equivalent certificate, and must attend a state-run education session.

Jessica Tata
In 2012, Jessica Tata was sentenced to 80 years in prison after four children died as a result of a fire at her in-home daycare.


Inspectors there are supposed to visit childcare centers but only have the capacity to do every two years, the New Republic reported in 2013.

While many parents have reservations about sending a child to a subpar program, many feel they have no other choice.

Children in Sweden have access to government-subsidized child care

In Sweden, where children have access to public, government-subsidized child care starting at age of 1, parents tend to have fewer concerns around their children's safety.

child care
Children in Sweden can attend government-subsidized child care centers.


At these centers, children are exposed to a range of activities and learning opportunities, which includes art and field trips. There's a strong emphasis on spending time outdoors.

Sweden introduced its tax-subsidized child care program in 1975. About 80% of children between the ages of 1 and 5 are enrolled in preschool, and about the same percentage of mothers work. Preschools are typically open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., though there are also options for parents who work nights and weekends. 

Tuition is based on a family's income, and low-income children attend for free.  Essentially, families don't allocate more than 3% of their income to child care.

Critics have dismissed the plans of Warren and Klobuchar

Critics have been quick to dismiss Warren and Klobuchar's stances on universal child care, saying that it will cost too much money and won't benefit stay-at-home mothers. Some have gone so far to argue that improved incomes could lead to higher home prices, compelling all families to become two-income households.

Some Swedes say universal child care is about perspective, and understanding that paying more to ensure every child has quality care and education benefits society as a whole.

"Very few taxpayers in Sweden resent subsidizing childcare costs for working parents," Anna, a Swedish mother of two, told the Guardian in 2014. "Most people realise that society gains as a whole — it means that both parents carry on working, so you don't lose talent in the workplace. And it increases the birth rate; a nation needs to have children."

Read the original article on Business Insider