‘Elite Dangerous: The Commanders’ Update 2.3 Beta Releasing Next Month

A new beta update for “Elite: Dangerous Horizons” is set to arrive in the fourth week of February.

The next beta installment in the “Elite: Dangerous Horizons” content updates has been given a release window. Fans can now expect “Elite Dangerous: The Commanders” update 2.3 beta to arrive within the week that ends on Feb. 26, according to the franchise’s developer Frontier Developments.

Over the weekend, the game developer updated its fans via the Steam Community page about what’s to come with the 2.3 update. Apparently, players who have beta access to “Horizons” will be receiving the beta software that contains new features called Multicrew and Commander Creator.

PC Invasion reports that the Multicrew feature will enable players to have multiple crew members function in some ships. On the other hand, Command Creator is going to allow players to customize their characters. Frontier mentioned that this feature will let players show off their personality through their characters’ visual upgrade.

Road To VR has learned that the Multicrew feature will come with support for VR. This means the game will accommodate up to four users to fly together in a space ship. This will obviously change the landscape on how players enjoy the interstellar space trading, fighting and exploration simulation video game.

The VR support for the new feature will be made possible through both the Vive and Rift headsets. Once the beta update arrives, players wouldn’t feel lonely inside their ships as they explore galaxies anymore. And they wouldn’t be limited to just looking around and seeing glowing instruments and controls when the Multicrew feature is rolled out.

With the Multicrew feature, players can take on four roles in the Wing system. The first one is the Helm, who is in charge of piloting the ship. The second role is Fire Control, who will be in control of the turrets, weapons and limpet control. The third role is called Tactical, and this is the one who manages the sensors, shields and countermeasures. Finally, the fourth role is the Engineer, who will deal with power distribution and repairs.

“With the content now reaching a stage where it begins to fit together, we’ll soon be able to start sharing more news and updates on exactly how the features will look and work,” the developer said. “We’ll be sharing more granular detail about how the core features will function in our upcoming dev spotlight as well as showcasing all of the content in our pre-beta stream!”

Watch out for “Elite Dangerous: The Commanders” update 2.3 this February. Everyone from supported platforms are welcome to join the beta experience save for Xbox One players. Per the Reddit thread about the upcoming update, Xbox One does not have access to the beta of the game.

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