Eliot Spitzer and Silda Wall Spitzer Announced Their Breakup Late on Christmas Eve

Eliot Spitzer and Silda Wall Spitzer Announced Their Breakup Late on Christmas Eve

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Bronx, not a creature was stirring, except for Eliot Spitzer's spox. The former New York governor capped off a difficult year marked by a (expensive) failed bid for New York City comptroller with the news that he and his wife Silda are breaking up.

Word came over the transom late last night when Spitzer spokeswoman Lisa Linden delivered a statement on behalf of the couple. "We regret that our marital relationship has come to an end, and we have agreed not to make any other public statement on this subject," Linden said.

This is far from an unexpected development. Silda Spitzer largely sat out of her husband's campaign for comptroller, a foil to Huma Abedin, who was a ubiquitous presence during Anthony Weiner's failed mayoral run. Back in July, while Eliot Spitzer swatted away rumors that he and his wife had separated, Silda Spitzer reportedly said she would seek a divorce as soon as her husband's lurch toward elected office was over. 

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On Sunday night, it was revealed that Eliot Spitzer is now in a relationship with Lis Smith, his former campaign aide and current spokeswoman for New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio.  


This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/politics/2013/12/eliot-spitzer-and-silda-wall-spitzer-announced-their-breakup-late-christmas-eve/356474/

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