Elections 2022: Michigan State University Board of Trustees candidates in their own words

On this year's ballot are candidates for the Michigan State University Board of Trustees (four major party candidates for two seats). This is a statewide race.

Whether you choose to vote absentee or in person, get to know the candidates before you vote by reading their responses to key issues facing Michigan State University.

Here (below) are candidates in their own words. To return to the main election package, click here.

Meet the candidates

Dennis Denno (Democrat): I’ve been a staffer for the Michigan legislature for 17 years, I know how legislative bodies work, and I would like to be on the board to give back to my community and have MSU be a better partner in mid-Michigan and beyond.

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): I’m an ethics professor, lawyer, mom and wife of a proud Spartan graduate. Governor Whitmer appointed me as trustee in 2019, and I’ve worked hard to be a champion of change to improve student success, transparency in governance, and campus safety and healing. I urged, and we adopted, a new policy to evaluate presidential performance and a code of ethics for trustees. I worked with the president to replace most of the executive-level administrators from the police chief to the provost, leading the university forward from the Nassar scandal. I hope to continue this work. Learn more at www.TrustJefferson.com.

Mike Balow (Republican): I am a community leader, a business leader, and a navy veteran. I believe I am the only candidate with a son or daughter that attends MSU, so I am invested. I have attended every board of trustee meeting for the last two years, and I’ve done my research.  I understand how the boards works, and I am ready to go on day one. I’ve served on a number of boards and understand that to be an effective board member you have to have competence, know the issues, and collaborate while standing for your core principles.

Travis Menge (Republican): I am an orthopedic surgeon in Grand Rapids and want to utilize my healthcare background to help shape a bright and successful future for MSU. Currently, there are no members on the board or other candidates with healthcare experience to manage unexpected challenges like the Larry Nassar scandal or COVID pandemic. I will restore and build a foundation of trust at MSU through leadership that is transparent, honest and always puts the safety and well being of our students first. I also want to make high quality education affordable and accessible for all Michigan students.

On trustee responsibilities

Dennis Denno (Democrat): The Michigan Constitution gives the board three responsibilities: 1) General supervision of the institution; 2) Control and direction of the institution’s funds; and 3) Hire the president. While I believe the board should speak up and be involved if they believe there is a serious problem on campus, I do not believe the board should micromanage the university.

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): Trustees provide oversight and governance for the university, including approval of the budget, the hiring/removal of the president, and engagement in discussions about the university’s future plans. The day-to-day management of the university is not typically the responsibility of trustees.

Renee Knake Jefferson
Renee Knake Jefferson

Mike Balow (Republican): The trustees are elected by the people of the state of Michigan to provide oversight and leadership to MSU, and to ensure that it remains on the right path and provide corrective action when necessary. The trustees should not try to run the university on a day-to-day basis, nor should they completely step back from their responsibility to get involved when necessary. Thoughtful balance is appropriate. If the president breaks the law, or commits ethical violations in personnel decisions, then it is appropriate for the board to intervene.

Travis Menge (Republican): The primary responsibilities of a trustee are to provide oversight for the university and ensure the safety and well-being of all students. I do not believe Trustees should be involved with personnel decisions or day-to-day operations at Michigan State.

On leadership requirements for MSU president

Dennis Denno (Democrat): Someone who is capable of managing a large, complex organization such as MSU, and also is willing to listen to students and employees at MSU and implement the necessary changes to make MSU a safer community for all.

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): Any leader of Michigan State University should embrace the highest of ethical standards, with a commitment to shared governance and to shaping a student body, faculty, staff, and administration that reflects the diversity of Michigan. The president should be a visionary, who inspires and supports everyone in the Spartan community to fulfill their roles to the best of their ability.

Mike Balow (Republican): The leader of MSU should possess the competency to run a large, public research university, but also the integrity, humility, and communications skills in order to execute the mission of MSU. Missing any one of those qualities will lead to MSU being less than it can and should be.

Travis Menge (Republican): It is important that all leaders at Michigan State University demonstrate integrity, accountability, and transparency. Excellent communication and teamwork skills are also crucial in working alongside others to promote the strategic vision and success of the university.

On what's most pressing at MSU

Dennis Denno (Democrat): The first is safety. I want to listen to our students, employees, and guests and know whether they feel safe at MSU and if not, what is MSU doing to address those serious concerns. The board, like most university boards in Michigan, is not transparent, which is a poor way to manage the university and our tax dollars. I want to see our board be more open to the public. We also need a board that is willing to work towards the best interest of the university and ensure that differences do not put the university in a bad light.

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): The most pressing issue facing Michigan State is to be exemplary in all aspects of Title IX.

Mike Balow (Republican): First, the lack of faith in the honesty and integrity of the current MSU administration, as embodied by the president, and then certain members of the board of trustees. We need to elect honest, capable trustees so that they can work together to hire the right president.  Next, keeping MSU affordable for the working families of Michigan.  As a parent of a student at MSU, I can assure voters that I will be sensitive to making every decision with one key question in mind: “Does this benefit the student experience at MSU?”

Travis Menge (Republican): One of the biggest challenges facing Michigan State is the lack of transparency and accountability in leadership. Following the Larry Nassar scandal, we have failed to ensure the safety and well being of our students is a top priority. As Trustee, I will bring a leadership background that is founded on transparency, honesty, integrity, and building back trust within the MSU community.

On handling of Title IX cases

Dennis Denno (Democrat): It appears that some members of the board have serious concerns with the Office of Institutional Equity and have called for an independent investigation of that office. I’ve talked with parents who have kids at MSU and they have expressed concern that when there is an incident at MSU that the university discourages reporting and refuses to update and share information on those investigations. If that is true that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): MSU’s Title IX legacy was, in the Nassar era, a tragic failure. Making MSU a best-practices leader in Title IX has been my priority from the moment I joined the Board of Trustees. Meaningful progress has been made in some areas, and significant work remains to be done, which is why I hope to serve for a full term and continue leading this work. Our obligations under Title IX should be the floor, not the ceiling – we can and should do more beyond the requirements of Title IX to serve our students.

Mike Balow (Republican): Very poor. The current administration has mishandled Title IX cases, period. I would support an independent investigative arm that reports directly to the trustees, and whose operations are open and transparent, so that members of the public and university personnel should never wonder whether there is another cover up, or whether things are being done properly. I have first-hand knowledge of the administration making misstatements and spin regarding the cut of the MSU swimming and diving program. If the administration can’t be relied upon to tell the truth regarding something as simple as that, what else can’t we count on?

Travis Menge (Republican): Michigan State’s handling of Title IX cases in the post-Nassar years have failed to make the safety and well being of our students, faculty, and staff a top priority. There has been a lack of resources and support provided to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), resulting in high staff turnover, improper management of case load, and unacceptably long response times. As an institution who has continue to struggle with this for years, we need to create an independent ethics and compliance office to improve processes, structure, and compliance.

On diversity and inclusion

Dennis Denno (Democrat): Encouraging diversity on campus starts with the president and the board to make that a goal and not just lip service. A crucial step is with enrollment and the standards MSU sets for the students applying at MSU. Then it is ensuring that all students have the tools they need to succeed at MSU and that no one is being left behind. I’m not looking at a handout but a help-up for those who need it.

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): One tangible action is to finally build the long-anticipated multicultural center. We know from MSU’s own studies that underrepresented and under-resourced students experience MSU’s campus less favorably than white students. We also know MSU students and community members feel that the university has not adequately addressed longstanding issues of bias, inequities, campus climate, and the need for cultural change. The multicultural center will bring together and celebrate diverse Spartan communities and individuals. The Board approved planning in 2021, and it is imperative that the multicultural center be constructed as soon as possible.

Mike Balow (Republican): MSU should make it known, through its published policy, that it will not tolerate discrimination of any form and then walk that talk. Ultimately, this falls on the administration to ensure a fair and equitable workplace, and the board of trustees should hold the administration accountable for any of their shortcomings. MSU can always be better when it comes to attracting first generation college students as well.

Travis Menge (Republican): I think it is important to improve graduation rates among students at MSU. We have seen graduation rates slowly rise over the past few years, but they are still unacceptably low in minority students and those from low socioeconomic backgrounds. As trustee, I will make academic success and improving graduation rates a priority for all students.

On COVID-19 response and use of ARPA funds

Dennis Denno (Democrat): Encouraging everyone to be safe and sharing information about best practices and whether there is a problem on campus. Providing COVID boosters and the flu vaccine on campus at no cost. I would like to see ARPA funds at MSU be spent on mental health support and education.

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): MSU’s priority as we emerge from the pandemic should be student success and well-being. ARPA funds should be spent to support MSU’s highest-need students, including those impacted by the pandemic and also those from minoritized and marginalized communities.

Mike Balow (Republican): It is clear to everyone that life will never be completely as it was in the pre-pandemic days. But we need to realize that COVID is here to stay, much as other types of illness that we have always dealt with. Private medical decisions should remain just that: private.  And how students plan to address their treatment to address COVID in their life should be up to them, not MSU or any organizational Board of Trustees. I would support the expenditure of ARPA funds in ways that make MSU more affordable or enhance the student experience.

Travis Menge (Republican): According to MSU’s Office of Financial Aid, the university has already distributed 100% of the ARPA funds federally mandated for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students ($40,911,660). In addition to student aid, I believe a priority should be the physical, mental, and emotional health of our students. We need to support the continuation of in-person learning - studies have shown it to be far better than virtual learning. I don’t agree with the prior actions where students were charged full tuition while not being allowed in the classroom, and instead were at home learning over a computer.

Other issues of import

Dennis Denno (Democrat): The issues of food security and climate issues are playing a bigger role in our society, MSU can play a major role in both with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and MSU’s extension program. Both do incredible work in research and sharing of information to local communities and MSU needs to strengthen both with more resources and grants. 

Renee Knake Jefferson (Democrat): Most Michiganders don’t realize that MSU extends far beyond the East Lansing campus, with strong academic and research facilities in Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, and across all 83 counties of this great state. I have visited the MSU Extension offices in the Grand Rapids and Detroit areas, and look forward to visiting other offices throughout the state. I use what I learn to be an advocate for their incredible work. If elected for a full term, I will continue my outreach because MSU Extension offices bring vital bring education and economic development to local communities, the state, and the nation.

Mike Balow (Republican): Title IX. We need to ensure that men and women are receiving the same opportunity and support when it comes to men's and women's athletics. Regarding the lack of transparency surrounding elimination of MSU's historic swimming and diving program and millions of dollars being spent on court cases, this is a horrible waste of MSU money and resources — and it’s directed against women athletes.

Travis Menge (Republican): The MSU Board of Trustees does not have any member, or other current candidate, with a healthcare background. This is extremely important to properly manage unexpected healthcare challenges that face our students and MSU community. The board also needs a healthcare professional to help expand NIH research funding and medical outreach partnerships across Michigan. Lastly, trustees oversee the university’s annual budget. A significant portion of this budget is dedicated to health sciences, medical education, and research; however, nobody on the board has the background to adequately address these key areas.

This story was assembled from email questionnaires managed by LSJ news assistants Jayne Higo, Veronica Bolanos and Jack Moreland. Contact them at LSJ-EAs@lsj.com or 517.377.1112.

This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Election 2022: MSU Board of Trustees candidates in their own words