Elaborate Proposal Turns Into Trainwreck When Woman Deems Diamond Too Small


If he liked it he should’ve put a bigger ring on it.

That’s the message one woman sent to her boyfriend after rejecting his elaborate proposal because the diamond on the engagement ring was too small.

The poor anonymous guy was down on one knee, surrounded by dancers he’d hired specially and being watched by dozens of onlookers, when his girlfriend turned and walked off.

At first, she seemed to be thrilled by the performance on a street in Chengdu, the capital city of south-west China’s Sichuan province, and one point started to cry as her boyfriend walked towards her.


She’s happy now, but wait until she sees the joke of a diamond

But when he went down on one knee and held up the box, opening the ring for her to see, she was less than impressed.

One eyewitness told local TV: “Her eyes went wide as she put her hand over her mouth, and then she turned around and walked away without saying anything."


Even dancers couldn’t save this trainwreck

A screenshot of a WeChat conversation allegedly between her and a friend was later leaked online and was published alongside the story.

In the message, the girlfriend reveals her insecurities about the proposal, saying that “he agreed to buy me a diamond ring as large as one carat.

“Why was this one so small? Is he so careless or has he ever cared about me?"

After all, what kind of relationship can you even have based on such gross betrayal?

Her friend replies: "Don’t worry. Perhaps the bigger one will be waiting for you later or he hasn’t prepared it for this time."

Girl knows what she wants, you’ve got to give her that.

All images: CEN