Egypt's New First Lady, Aging Supreme Court Justices, and Snooki

Egypt's New First Lady, Aging Supreme Court Justices, and Snooki

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Things appear to be looking up in the housing market. Mexicali is attracting tourists looking for cheap medical services. 

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World:  The Muslim traditionalism of newly elected Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi's wife Naglaa Ali Mahmoud is lauded by some, and a concern to others who view her ways as backwards. 

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New York: The Elmo ejected from Central Park Sunday — who was back on the job Tuesday — ran a pornographic website in Cambodia. 

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U.S.: With a number of Supreme Court justices nearing retirement age whoever wins the presidency could have a major impact on the ideological balance of the court. 

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Business: Google is manufacturing its Nexus Q in the U.S.

Opinion: Gail Collins remembers Nora Ephron.

Sports: Athletes at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs deal with smoke from the wildfires. 

TV: JWoww and a seven months pregnant Snooki do press for their "Jersey Shore" spinoff. Alessandra Stanley reviews Charlie Sheen's new show, Anger Management

 Style: Now a professor, a longtime New Yorker receptionist tells her story in a new memoir.