EDITORIAL: Observing Memorial Day

May 28—Monday we honor military personnel who have died in the service of our country.

Memorial Day roots can be traced all the way back to just after the Civil War when freed slaves created graves for Union soldiers.

The holiday weekend may be treated a bit differently by some but we should always remember that official Memorial Day events are a solemn observance.

In Stillwater, Fairlawn Cemetery will host its annual observance at 9 a.m.

Langston's observance will be 11 a.m. at Wm Conrad Veterans Memorial Garden, 313 East Turner Street.

On the OSU campus, Cowboy Strong CrossFit is a registered host of the Murph Challenge — a workout dedicated to Navy Lt. Michael Murphy, who died in 2005 in Afghanistan at 29.

The Murph Challenge is free to the military and first responders.

Our thanks to those who work and volunteer to keep these public events going.

Our thanks, especially, to the sacrifice made by our military men and women and the families and friends who live with that sacrifice.