EDITORIAL: Choices matter to voters in primary

May 9—The votes are in, and both Democratic and Republican parties have chosen their nominees for the big election in November.

According to unofficial results from the Madison County Clerk's Office, 18,393 ballots were cast.

We thank everyone who voted and hope to see the number of participants increase in future elections. We also thank every candidate who participated.

An attempt was made to bring new Republican leadership to several county positions, but voters generally stuck with the familiar GOP candidates.

Katherine Callahan said she offered the voters a choice and a voice in her bid for the GOP nomination for county auditor. Although she lost to Todd Culp, she accomplished the important goal of giving voters a choice.

Devin Norrick lost the nomination for county commissioner District 2 to fellow Republican Rick Gardner. Commenting on the outcome, Norrick said voters aren't ready for change.

He may be correct, but it's no less important for voters to have a choice.

One need look no further than our upcoming presidential election to see voters frustrated with limited options.

In an area where one party holds sway over most local elective offices, it is admirable for Republicans to offer some new faces to the public.

While GOP primary voters may have rejected change this time around, that doesn't mean they'll feel the same way in a few years. Or they may be ready for a different kind of change.

Either way, choices matter, and we congratulate all the candidates on their campaigns and every voter who showed up to let their voice be heard.

See you in November!