The Easter Bunny Told Us This is the Must-Have Basket of the Season

If you’re looking for the perfect Easter basket, call off the hunt. We stumbled upon these burlap and gingham little numbers (complete with a fuzzy bunny tail) that were just too cute not to share.

Has anyone else suffered from sticker shock while shopping for Easter baskets recently? This is my son’s first Easter so naturally I’m a little over-eager to make memories, which most assuredly include a big basket filled with green paper shreds and piled high with Easter treats. Unfortunately, I nearly choked on my jelly-bean-filled dreams when I spotted the price tag of one of those pretty little wicker baskets: $30-plus for a basket—for a baby. Yes, I’ll spend $50-plus for that Easter Sunday bobby suit—to be taken off immediately after church—but a basket? Absolutely not.

As luck would have it, the tides turned today when I came across the most adorable Easter baskets offered in three shades: pink, blue, and green. I’m going for green to coordinate with the aforementioned green paper shreds and because I’ve decided that my 8-month-old son’s favorite color is green—but that’s a discussion for another day. Each basket is covered in burlap and features an adorable little bunny, a fuzzy cottontail, and a gingham-liner. Jute handles round out the look. If you want to get real crazy, which clearly I do, you can drop it off at your favorite monogram shop for a little customization. Buy it here!

For more adorable Easter ideas, check out our Easter Crafts. Celebrate the season with easy DIY projects that whole family will love like bunny photo props, rye Easter baskets, and even a beautiful carrot centerpiece that's perfect for your big family lunch.