East Coast Americans Least Likely to Believe in God

East Coast Americans Least Likely to Believe in God

A poll released by Gallup yesterday confirmed what a deeply religious America continues to be. 92 percent of Americans still say "yes" when asked the basic question "Do you believe in God?" In 1947, this number was 94 percent. Considering the events over the past 60 years, this is a remarkably stable statistic to say the least.

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Gallup notes that in particular, the belief in God is high across all subgroups of the population, but there are variances. Women are more likely to believe in god than men. Liberals are less likely to believe than conservatives. Young people are the least likely to believe. Those with a post-graduate education are less likely to believe than high school or college graduates. Finally, East Coast Americans are the least likely to believe in god, and Southerners are the most, with the West and the Midwest coming in equally in between.

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But how do we stack up against other countries? A 2008 Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey reveal that only 1 in 4 of our neighbors up north believe in god. And a 2005 Eurostat poll indicated that the French, perhaps our cultural opposite, had the highest atheism in Europe -- 33% responded that they believed in "neither a Spirit, god, or life force."

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Here is the breakdown of the Gallup poll for U.S. adults.

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