The E.R.: Cyberoffense, Deterrence, and the Dawn of a New Era of War

Cyber threats, in its many forms — from espionage to criminal acts, from the theft of intellectual property to destructive attacks like Stuxnet — remain wildly misunderstood, and only to our great misfortune. On the international stage, discussions about this new era of warfare are in their infancy, and the gap between those who actually understand these highly technical issues and those who are developing cyber policy seems to be growing by the day. Following the massive U.S. Office of Personnel Management hack, how much more damage will the U.S. tolerate before fully confronting the great dangers chipping away at its security?

About the participants:

Rosa Brooks teaches international law, national security, and constitutional law at Georgetown University. Follow her on Twitter: @brooks_rosa.

Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution where she focuses on military history. She is a former foreign policy adviser to Senator John McCain. Follow her on Twitter: @KoriSchake.

David Sanger is the chief Washington correspondent for the New York Times and is an expert on cyber security. Follow him on Twitter: @SangerNYT.

David Rothkopf is CEO and editor of The FP Group. Follow him on Twitter: @djrothkopf.

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