Dying Woman Gets Final Wish to Bid Farewell to Her Horse

A 58-year-old German woman in hospice care doesn’t have long for this world.

But she had a final wish that a hospital was willing to grant.

Read: Cop Stays With Dying Police Horse Until Her Last Breath

The dying patient wanted to see her horse.

So medical staff and workers from a riding school arranged for Dana, the woman’s Iceland mare, to be loaded into a horse trailer and transported to Klinikum Furth clinic.

Read: Horse Visits Hospice to Say Goodbye to His Cancer-Stricken Owner

To protect her privacy, hospital officials did not release the woman's name or show her face in photographs of the reunion. 

The woman’s family helped raise her hand to nuzzle the nose of her former comfort animal.

Surrounded by relatives, she touched the golden animal for the last time, lying on a gurney in a sun-dappled courtyard outside the clinic.

Watch: Dog Saved Owner's Life After She Fell Off Horse and Was Dragged Half a Mile  

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