Drugged-out dog will make you melt right along with him

Australian golden retriever Oscar had to get minor surgery. This is decidedly bad news, but his post-surgery bliss says otherwise.

His owner, Sarah, posted this picture of Oscar on the way home from surgery, while he was still on sedatives, showing that he might have not had too bad a time.

And people could not get enough of it.

That smile! You can practically see the big doggy spa he's imagining in his head, brought on by whatever the vet used to put him under.

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If there was ever a time to use the phrase "blissed out," it's here. The very picture of bliss.

At home, Sarah had help of a feline friend in making sure he got better:

Now, Sarah says that he's recovering just fine.

Even without the sedatives he's still a pretty peaceful pup. But how is he dealing with all this newfound attention now that he's gone dog viral??

Phew. Sleep easy folks, Oscar is taken care of.

Perhaps the best part of all this is the follow up: people replying with pictures of their own dogs after surgery. The doggy drowsiness is real.


All in all, a really adorable corner of the internet. Get well, all you pups!

[H/T]: Buzzfeed

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