Drs. Respond to Dabbing Controversy

The following material contains mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.

Following an October show about the dangers of the latest marijuana trend dabbing, The Doctors’ social media pages were inundated with comments. Now, they respond to the outcry regarding the drug.

Many viewers wrote in complaining that dabbing (the vaporization of marijuana concentrate) was not responsible for fires and burn incidents and that people injured while dabbing simply did not know how to use the drug. ER physician Dr. Travis Stork reiterated that the report was on the dangers of how the concentrated drug could have extreme effects on first-time users, especially teens and also how the creation of dabs can lead to explosions and fires at home.

Watch: More On Dabbing Dangers

The Doctors are joined by Peter Grossman, medical director of Grossman Burn Center, which has treated many people with burns from dab explosions. “This is a terrible epidemic… and it is incredibly dangerous,” he says. “We’re not commenting on the merits of medicinal marijuana or even the right to use recreational marijuana, what we’re talking about is the danger that is involved in making it.”

He says the photos seen in the last report were real people who suffered actual burns and life-threatening injuries from dab making accidents. He likens at-home dab making to amateur bomb making. He notes it’s also important to be aware of the risks to others who might be near where the dabs are being made.

The Doctors and Peter hope that continued efforts to minimize the risks in the manufacturing process of dabs will help save lives.

Watch: Is Alcohol or Marijuana Worse for You?

If you or someone you know is struggling with drugs issues or addiction, please call National Helpline, which free and confidential, at 1-800-662-HELP.