Drew Barrymore handles her daughter's tantrums in the best way

Children are the worst. All they seem to do is cry, scream and wobble about the place looking for the nearest sharp object to trip and fall on.

Just ask Drew Barrymore, star of Netflix's Santa Clarita Diet and all around G.O.A.T.

Barrymore's daughter Olive recently had a meltdown at Disneyland of all places, putting her mum in that tricky situation of having to deal with a screaming child in the most public of settings.

"In this case, she wanted to chase a duck," Barrymore explained to Seth Myers.

But rather than losing her nerve when faced with a kicking, screaming child, Barrymore showed off her legendarily good sense of humour and used the opportunity to take a funny photo.

You don't know how lucky you are, Olive Barrymore.


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