Dragoos free on bond after DC hearing

Jun. 26—A St. Joseph couple charged in the events of Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington D.C. have been granted assurance of continued freedom from federal custody after promising to make all future court dates.

Kimberly R. Dragoo and Steven M. Dragoo appeared on June 22 before Magistrate Judge G. Michael Harvey of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. That hearing was in Washington, and all future proceedings will be. In this instance, the Dragoos appeared remotely. Harvey ordered that the Dragoos, represented by Bruce Castor Jr., are to appear remotely again at 1 p.m. Aug. 22 for a preliminary status hearing.

A trial date has not been scheduled. The Dragoos are charged at the misdemeanor level under four statutes, which pertain to unlawful entry and activities inside the U.S. Capitol. The Dragoos have previously said they believed their entry to have been well-intentioned and lawful.

The Dragoos first appeared on June 20 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri, located in Kansas City. There, per a filing by Magistrate Judge W. Brian Gaddy, the government informed them of the charges they face, as well as potential penalties, fines and special assessments.

"Defendants are charged by way of Complaint out of the District of Columbia," Gaddy wrote on June 20. "Court advises the Defendants of their rights ... Defendants advise they understand their rights and have retained counsel (in DC). Government is not seeking detention and no arrest warrant was issued. Defendants voluntarily surrendered to Court on (June 20)."

Marcus Clem can be reached at marcus.clem@newspressnow.com. Follow him on Twitter: @NPNowClem