New Dragon Age: Inquisition Video Shows What Kind of Characters You Can Create

Explore the possibilities with Inquisition's character creator.

VIDEO: Dragon Age: Inquisition - Gameplay Feature: Character Creation [03:36]

You'll be able to create a wide range of looks for your character in Dragon Age: Inquisition, as the new video above demonstrates.

Yesterday we got a quick glimpse at what it's like to build a single, specific character when Inquisition's character-creation tools were revealed. This new video offers a more in-depth look at the range of options players have open to them, showing just how different your character can potentially look.

In the video, we see how everything from iris color to horns to cheekbones can be tweaked, though you'll notice that both beards and mustaches are handled by a single option. It's not the most in-depth character creator ever (nor does it offer any way to cheat by simply scanning your face in), but it looks like it will be able to get the job done.

BioWare claims Inquisition will be a more challenging game than either Dragon Age: Origins or Dragon Age II, though you'll be able to make things easier on yourself by electing to use the tactical view that returns from Origins. A new multiplayer mode is also in store for the game, which, following a delay in July, now arrives on November 18 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX

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