Don't Mess with Texas City Clean-Up

Mar. 14—The City of Odessa hopes you join them for the "Don't Mess with Texas City Clean-up." Please register for an "Adopt-A-Spot" to help the city keep track.

Cleaning materials will be provided for pickup at the Household Hazardous Waste facility at 814 W. 42nd. City staff will notify you when the supplies are ready. After cleaning, please fill out the form on the website.

Open top containers will be placed at the following locations:

— District 1 — Salinas Park on Clements-East parking lot

— District 2 — Rocky Lane/Service Rd. Hwy. 191

— District 3 — Household Hazardous Waste facility, 814 W. 42nd St.

— District 4 — Sherwood Park on 49th St. (North parking lot)

— District 5 — Floyd Gwin Park (10th and West County Road-South parking lot)

After the event, you can also "Plant a tree for Hope." Register for a free tree and pick it up at the Don't Mess with Texas City Clean-up. You must be registered prior to receiving a tree.

More information:


Adopt-A-Spot GIS Map


Plant a Tree for Hope