Don't let Russia influence you - Zelenskyy to Central Asian leaders on Global Peace Summit attendance

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is interviewed on May 26 at the printing house ruins in Kharkiv - the building was demolished in a Russian attack on the city
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is interviewed on May 26 at the printing house ruins in Kharkiv - the building was demolished in a Russian attack on the city

While all countries have been invited to the Global Peace Summit, Central Asian states are particularly welcome - regardless of their position on Russia's war in Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

This was said during an interview with Central Asian mass media, his press service announced on May 26.

Ukraine is willing to see all leaders at the summit, even if they have different interests or positions on Russia's invasion, or"have never sat at the same table before", Zelenskyy said, emphasizing that this is especially relevant for Central Asian leaders.

"What's the big deal?”, he asked.

“Will Putin send in his tanks to a Central Asian country because of this? No, that's not enough," he said.

"Those who do not join – what are you afraid of? They might be afraid of losing something, they are afraid of upsetting relations with today's Kremlin."

Zelenskyy urged Central Asian journalists to imagine their countries in Ukraine's shoes and think about the reaction to states that do not want to join a peace initiative proposed by the victim of state aggression

This non-alignment has only one name - "weakness".

"We would like Central Asian leaders to be present, to support the event itself,” Zelenskyy said.

“I don't even mind if they say: ‘We have our own vision.’ Fine, it’s yours -  but come and tell it."

Ukrainian Peace Summit in Switzerland

Read also: Putin hopes to derail upcoming peace summit with talks of ceasefire — Kuleba

Ukraine is organizing the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16.

Ukraine has held four meetings regarding President Zelenskyy's Peace Formula at the level of national security and political advisors.

Representatives from 81 countries and international organizations participated in the last meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Jan. 14.

Previous meetings were held during 2023 in Malta, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Zelenskyy presented a 10-point Peace Formula in November 2022 at the G20 summit – it included sections on Ukraine’s territorial integrity restoration, Russian troop withdrawal, the release of all POWs, a tribunal for those guilty of aggression, and security guarantees for Ukraine.

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