Donald Trump meets survivors of Florida school shooting

Donald Trump and Melania, the first lady, thank Igor Nichiporenko at Broward Health North hospital where shooting survivors are being treated  - AP
Donald Trump and Melania, the first lady, thank Igor Nichiporenko at Broward Health North hospital where shooting survivors are being treated - AP

President Donald Trump paid tribute to emergency workers during a trip to a Florida hospital on Friday where survivors of Wednesday’s school shooting were being treated.

“It’s sad something like that could happen,” he said as he spoke to reporters after meeting patients.

Authorities face difficult questions as more details emerge of warnings about Nikolas Cruz’s behaviour in the run-up to the attack. He has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.

Pupils, parents and others affected by the killings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have angrily demanded Mr Trump take tough action to ensure prevent any repeat.

Mr Trump thanked Igor Nichiporenko, a trauma surgeon at Broward Health North hospital, for all their efforts to save lives.

Melania and Donald Trump arrive in Florida - Credit: AFP
Melania and Donald Trump arrive in Florida Credit: AFP

“The job they’ve done is incredible and I want to congratulate you,” he said.

He added that the rapid emergency response was “record-setting” and said some victims had reached the hospital within 20 minutes.

Mr Trump travelled to Florida aboard Air Force One with his wife, Melania.

The president, who was scheduled to spend the weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, faced opposition for his visit but would also have been criticised if he opted to stay away.

"I don't want  Trump  to come but we want more gun safety," said 18-year-old Kevin Trejos, a senior at the school. "It's a dream. It hasn't hit me yet." 

Read more | Florida school shooting

Mr Trump spoke as the consoler-in-chief- a day earlier, making a televised address during which he said no teacher or pupil should ever face danger inside an American school. But he made no mention of guns or gun control, much to the anger of opponents.

More than 1,000 people had attended a candlelight vigil Thursday night near the school, and at one point some began chanting, "No more gun! No more guns!"