Donald Trump Jr Dragged After FCC Fact Flub: ‘You Ignorant Mouth-Breather Ninny’

Donald Trump Jr Dragged After FCC Fact Flub: ‘You Ignorant Mouth-Breather Ninny’

Donald Trump Jr. took to Twitter on Friday intending to mock liberals about the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality. The web regulation preventing internet providers from charging for faster broadband speed was repealed yesterday by the FCC in a partisan 3-2 vote.

“I would pay good money to see all those people complaining about Obama’s FCC chairman voting to repeal #NetNeutality actually explain it in detail. I’d also bet most hadn’t heard of it before this week. #outrage,” tweeted Trump Jr.

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Unfortunately for Trump Jr., the burn was fake news.

While FCC chairman Ajit Pai was first appointed to the commission by President Obama in 2012, he was nominated by President Trump to lead the body in 2017.

With the debate over net neutrality dividing the internet, partisans and Trump haters took him to task.

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