From Donald Trump to John Prescott: a brief history of 'dad dancing' politicians

Donald Trump busting some moves at a campaign rally  -  Gene J. Puskar/AP
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In the minefield of modern politics, there exist certain recreational pursuits that elected officials are wise to avoid. Taking ketamine, for instance, would be a no-no. So would accepting a bribe. But dancing, the humble expression of rhythmic fun conveyed with exaggerated body movements? What could be wrong with that?

Quite a lot, it seems. The newest entrant is none other than Donald Trump, who treated crowds to a dance at the end of his recent rally. To the rousing sound of Republican applause – and the Village People's YMCA – the US president revealed his moves: a few jerky arm wafts, some fist bumps, and a shimmy to end on. That's three trademark dad dance moves in one.

Trump's jig joins a long lineage. Politicians throughout history have bumped and ground their way to embarrassing “dad dancing” territory. And in doing so, they've presented us with a reasonable quandary: do we respect them for letting go, or dismiss them for being terrible at dancing?

(It's the latter, always.)

Mauricio Macri

The former Argentinian president celebrated his shock election victory back in 2015 by having a sort of rhythmic fit on stage. If it was a ploy to avoid sniper fire, well fine. But this is the leader of a country that gave us the tango, where their version of Strictly Come Dancing involves no actual clothes. We are right to demand more than mere “dad dancing”.

Justin Trudeau

Not the worst dancer on this list but the Canadian Prime Minister was perhaps trying a little too hard in this clip from 2015. Trudeau, dressed from head to toe in white, certainly can't be accused of holding anything back when given the opportunity to try some Bhangra dancing. Sometimes less is more.

Boris Yeltsin

It can be easy to forget, but long before our very own Mayor of London redefined what it is to be a 'viral' politician, another Boris was ruling YouTube.  Search the late Russian president Yeltsin's name online and what videos do you find? Not speeches, not interviews, but Yeltsin downing a pint in front of crowds; Yeltsin throwing a bikini-clad girl in the sea; blindfolded Yeltsin smashing a pumpkin with a stick. It's an hour well spent, let me tell you. And alongside them all is Boris Yeltsin dancing. Psychotically.

Ed Balls

We first got a glance of the former Shadow Chancellor's potential when he was filmed shifting and gyrating with gay abandon to Gangnam Style at the Labour Party conference in 2014. Little did we realise what was to come when, just two years later, he waltzed his way onto our screens as part of Strictly Come Dancing. Despite regularly being bottom of the judges' scoreboard, he somehow survived until week ten to finish sixth overall. And we'll always have that salsa.

George W Bush

It will come as little surprise to critics of George W Bush that the former president has an utter disregard for what people think of him. More caustic evidence of that could be presented, of course, but it is an attitude Bush never more clearly expresses than through his hips. From the Kankouran West African Dance Company to sword-wielding Saudi diplomats, Bush has dropped dance-bombs all over the world.

Barack Obama

For a former President who unashamedly references Jay-Z songs in speeches, Slow Jams the news and hosts star-studded Motown concerts at home, Barack Obama is a disappointingly weak dancer. Indeed it was proven so in 2007, when the then-Senator for Chicago sashayed his way on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show to the sounds of his close personal friend Beyoncé Knowles.

As YouTube cultural commentator 'Nom Dizzle' notes, "Damn lmfao. Obama can't dance. But I enjoyed him trying."

John Prescott

In many ways our Boris Yeltsin, the former Deputy Prime Minister never did care for stiff professionalism, as anybody who remembers that punch will attest. So when Les Moore and his French Quarter band started up on stage at a jubilant Labour Party conference in the late Nineties, why wouldn't Prescott and wife Pauline start dancing? Note the discomfort on Tony Blair's face, too.

Theresa May

The only woman to make this list – because it turns out, female PMs can dad dance too. In truth, May could have been included for her visit to an African school in which she joined in their dancing and singing by shimmying awkwardly, as if she was an animatronic at a run-down theme park. Instead, it's her more memorable moves at the 2018 Conservative Party Conference that are on show here. Strutting onto stage to the sounds of ABBA's Dancing Queen, she may have got away unscathed had she not thrown a few more shapes while waiting for the song to end.

May would go on to end a turbulent stint as Prime Minister less than a year later – perhaps, in hindsight, SOS would have been a more fitting track.